You can update or change the email address associated with your Linguix account by following the steps below.
Sign in at
Navigate to Profile settings
Click on Change email.
Check your inbox to verify your new email address.
I forgot my password
If your current password does not work, or you have forgotten your password, please, change your current password before changing your email address.
I cannot access the email address I used to sign up
If you cannot access the email address associated with your account and/or don’t remember your password, please submit a support request.
In order for us to assist you in getting back into your account, you will need to submit the following information:
last four digits of the credit card number you used for purchasing Linguix Premium
card network type (e.g., VISA)
credit card expiration date (month/year)
the charge date
the charge amount
first name and last name (if any) on your Linguix account